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The Maelstrom
Quick Facts
  • Type: Scenario
  • Territory: Contested
  • Min. level: 10
  • Location
  • Map ID: 1572
The Maelstrom is a level 98-110 contested scenario in Scenarios.

Showing NPCs: 13 (show objects instead)

Creatures (13)Quests (2)Zone spells (3)Subzones (1)See also (7)
<The Earthen Ring>
10 - 45A HHumanoid The Maelstrom7.0.3 1
Farseer Nobundo
<The Earthen Ring>
10 - 45A HHumanoid The Maelstrom7.0.3 2
Erunak Stonespeaker
<The Earthen Ring>
10 - 45A HHumanoid The Maelstrom7.0.3 1
Rehgar Earthfury
<Hero of the Storm>
10 - 45A HHumanoid The Maelstrom7.0.3 1
Bath'rah the Windwatcher
<The Earthen Ring>
10 - 45A HHumanoid The Maelstrom7.0.3 2
Gavan Grayfeather
<The Earthen Ring>
10 - 45A HHumanoid The Maelstrom7.0.3 1
Iain Firebeard
<The Earthen Ring>
10 - 45A HHumanoid The Maelstrom7.0.3 1
Mackay Firebeard
<The Earthen Ring>
10 - 45A HHumanoid The Maelstrom7.0.3 2
Tribemother Torra
<The Earthen Ring>
10 - 45A HHumanoid The Maelstrom7.0.3 1
Stormcaller Mylra
<The Earthen Ring>
10 - 45A HHumanoid The Maelstrom7.0.3 1
<The Earthen Ring>
10 - 45A HHumanoid The Maelstrom 1
Erunak Stonespeaker
<The Earthen Ring>
10 - 45A HHumanoid The Maelstrom 1
Gotura Fourwinds
<The Earthen Ring>
10 - 45A HHumanoid The Maelstrom 1